How to make your WordPress blog more popular

With these tips your blog will be known on the internet and will get a lot of visitors - more info in the WordPress Tutorial from

Blogging is fun. You can delve into topics that interest you, learn a lot of new things, share your knowledge and make new contacts in the network world through writing. In the beginning, most bloggers are still busy getting their site up and running, adapting the layout and getting used to their own writing rhythm. We have also created a Bloggen für Einsteiger-Leitfaden (Blogging for Beginners Guide) to help you get started. But pretty soon the point comes where it's no longer just about writing for yourself and your friends - it would be nice if a few more readers could find their way to your blog. But how does it work to get your blog more traffic, especially in view of the huge competition on the net?

Finding the special niche

In the early days of blogging it was still easy: In principle, every blogger got attention just for the fact that he blogged. Today the situation is completely different. Whether it's cat pictures, usability trends or football - there's actually no topic that's not blogged on anymore. The first step towards more traffic is therefore to look at the blogs of your direct competitors (i.e. sites with the same topics). What are the main topics there? What about the look? How about the language? Analyze your results and set up your own blog on them. It should stand out positively from the others, offer a little more to stand out from the crowd.

It's not about doing everything differently than the others. That will hardly be possible and is probably also not meaningful. Offering more in this context means, for example, thinking up an additional benefit as a plus for your readers - this could be checklists on certain topics, detailed, well illustrated instructions or even self-made video tutorials. In other words: it's about sustainable added value for the reader. Blog texts often only scratch the surface of a topic a little. You yourself can try to go deeper and really get to grips with your stories. This may not immediately attract the masses, but will ensure you a growing loyal fan community in the long run.

SEO - Search Engine Optimization

Of course, there are blogs that are so well known and popular that the regular readership looks by, reads and comments on them every day. But these blogs are the exception. The vast majority lives from the fact that readers land on a blog via search engines and find not only the post about the term they are looking for interesting, but the blog as a whole. The more prominent your blog is in the search engine results, the greater the chance that a reader clicks on the corresponding link.

Quelle: © / Maksim Kabakou
Source: © / Maksim Kabakou

The placement is by no means fate or coincidence - by means of search engine optimization (called SEO for short) you can influence it yourself. SEO is of course a very, very broad field, a comprehensive treatise would definitely go beyond the scope of this text. Therefore, at this point the reference to the contributions of our SEO specialist André in the checkdomain blog, for example here and here. And firmly promised: Soon there will also be a detailed text at this point with the most important tips for beginners around search engine optimization.

Create your own content

Yes, there are those days when creativity doesn't work out so well. And if you don't have any ideas, you can go and see what the others are writing. And then they write an infusion of the same story themselves. You can do it, but it's not really fun and doesn't really knock the reader off his feet. Usually only links to new and/or good, original stories are shared. If you're dealing with a topic that's in the air anyway and is also dealt with on other blogs, you should do it your own way - your blog is the place for your own opinion, which ultimately makes your blog unique. Tips for creative writing can also be found in our checkdomain blog, for example here or here.

Be nice to your readers

There are always bloggers who stop their blog because they are frustrated by the rough tone that prevails in the blog world. Again and again - very clichéd depending on gender - there's either rumschöbelt (like without having read a text correctly) or gebickt without end. Just as there are blogger friendships, you can also observe true enmities. The supporters of the respective camps will be happy to deliver their battles via the comment function.

If you blog, you should get a thicker skin and stay calm even if it gets unpleasant or weird. Respond promptly to comments. Respond to criticism and see if it isn't really justified. Answer questions, as far as you can (experience shows that some questions go beyond the scope of this article). If you take your readers seriously and hit them on the nerve, it's highly likely that they'll tell other people about your blog or share your content on social networks. Here you can find our tips for Blogger etiquette.

Building networks

What is true in real life is also indispensable in the blogger world: Good contacts are at least half the battle. The blogging world also thrives on the fact that bloggers are well networked. That doesn't mean that everyone really knows each other personally. Contacts can also be established through regular comments on other blogs, as well as through interviews. Of course, you can also visit barcamps, go to bloggertreffs or maybe even organize one yourself in your area. When it comes to networking, it is crucial that you have an honest interest in your (virtual) counterpart, bring input yourself and not just want to pick up quick links and a few new readers.

Write guest contributions

To become a guest author for other blogs requires that you are already a little known or networked in the scene. It is important that you choose a topic that is really yours and that fits the blog and its readership. The easiest way is, of course, if you already know the blog operator and can easily ask. But it is also quite common to get in touch with other bloggers - after all, every blog operator is happy about good posts.

Set links

Whether in the blogroll or in texts: If you set links to other blogs and websites, you will also profit from them in the long run. You offer your readers service and attract attention at the same time. Important: Many links are good - nevertheless your selection should be strict. If you link randomly, you quickly lose the trust of your readers.

Quelle: © / iqoncept
Source: © / iqoncept

Be present on all channels

Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and YouTube: You have the free choice. It's never been easier and cheaper to market your own site on different channels. But you shouldn't limit yourself to just posting your blog posts one to one in the respective network. Get involved - comment, contact, rate, share.

Win with win

At the end of this list, the point that actually always pulls must not be missing: Sweepstakes! Certainly not the most subtle measure to find new friends, but very effective. The main question that arises: What should there be to please win? Answer: The best thing would be something that suits your target group best and (ideally) something that is not available for 20 cents on the next corner. On the checkdomain blog, for example, we have already raffled ElePHPanten and personalized gifts.

Of course, it is always good to get you a cooperation partner for competitions. You get the prizes for your readers, but there is free advertising for the cooperation partner on your blog and usually a note on the partner page. Then everyone really wins something...

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