It's so easy to create an optometry website
With our website builder the construction of a attractive optometry website is very simple. Discover now our high-quality design templates and countless features with which you can Make your site both aesthetically and functionally perfect can. For this no technical knowledge of web design is required.
- Select a template for your website
- Publish the most important data about your doctor's office
- Upload inviting pictures of the practice into a picture gallery
- Write about topics that interest your patients

How to easily create a website for optometry
You would like to create an optometry website? This is very easy with the website builder of With a few clicks you create your new website, which is optimized for all devices (stationary, mobile). You simply choose the design that suits you best from high-quality templates, customize it and add your services.
The support of supports you of course. Important to know: You will also receive your desired domain, the hosting and of course (at your request) the search engine optimization and other services for your online marketing from this provider.
Website for an optometry practice
How does it work?
We do not claim that it is child's play to create your own website with the website builder. It's not rocket science either. Young people like to do this and sometimes really playfully - perhaps your doctor's assistant at reception. The website builder contains tools that can be operated intuitively. No programming skills are required. It only takes someone to "think themselves in" a little bit to discover the many possibilities, which in turn benefit your website structurally.
Here you start: You consider (on a piece of paper) how you would like to create your website for optometrists with regard to the basic structure. Surely you want a page "About us", several subpages with your services as an optometrist, perhaps subpages with technical explanations, of course an easy to find imprint and probably also a separate page for contact possibilities. Take your time with this concept, the implementation is relatively easy.

30 Days Money Back Guarantee
Creating your own website without previous knowledge has never been so easy. See for yourself how quickly you can create websites with checkdomain's website builder.
Try out different designs and familiarize yourself with the various functions - if you are not satisfied within the first 30 days, you will get your money back.
Create a optometry websiteWebsite builder with responsive web design
The design templates of the modular system for your website are fully responsive. This requires explanation. Responsive web design means that your website automatically adapts to a calling device and its screen size. It is displayed differently on the PC than on the smaller displays of a smartphone or tablet. Menu items that are displayed on the side of your PC as a sitemap can, for example, appear on your smartphone directly below your start screen. This optimized display is important, because nowadays about half of all website calls are mobile. It is therefore conceivable that a potential patient is traveling in your area and is now looking for the services of an optometrist because of certain complaints.
He will then find your website with his smartphone and will be able to access your services very clearly. You can also hide certain content on your phone if you wish. Thirdly, it is possible to create your own content for mobile calls - for example, a map with directions right at the start. Very long texts or large tables, on the other hand, are omitted by some webmasters for mobile display. These are rarely studied on the smartphone, they make it difficult to keep track. On the PC screen, on the other hand, your patient likes to read it because he wants this information and has the time to read it at home.

Our tariffs for you
- Drag-and-drop Homepage-Baukasten
- 5 veröffentlichte Seiten
- Websiteerstellung mit KI
- KI-Schreibassistent
- Anpassbare Templates
- Keine Werbung
- SSL-Zertifikat inklusive
- 5 E-Mail Postfächer
- 5 GB Mailspeicher
- Google Maps
- Widgets
- Drag-and-drop Homepage-Baukasten
- Unbegrenzte Anzahl veröffentlichter Seiten
- Websiteerstellung mit KI
- KI-Schreibassistent
- Kostenlose Bilder
- Anpassbare Templates
- Keine Werbung
- SSL-Zertifikat inklusive
- 5 E-Mail Postfächer
- 5 GB Mailspeicher
- Google Maps
- Premium Widgets
- 1 kostenlose Domain
- Social-Media-Kanäle
- Eigenen Code einbetten
- Unterstützt HD-Bilder
- Schnellere Ladezeiten
- Backup & Wiederherstellen der Website
- Drag-and-drop Homepage-Baukasten
- Unbegrenzte Anzahl veröffentlichter Seiten
- Websiteerstellung mit KI
- KI-Schreibassistent
- Kostenlose Bilder
- Anpassbare Templates
- Keine Werbung
- SSL-Zertifikat inklusive
- 5 E-Mail Postfächer
- 5 GB Mailspeicher
- Google Maps
- Premium Widgets
- 1 kostenlose Domain
- Social-Media-Kanäle
- Eigenen Code einbetten
- Unterstützt HD-Bilder
- Schnellere Ladezeiten
- Backup & Wiederherstellen der Website
- Google Rezensionen
- Onlineshop Funktionen
- Unbegrenzt viele Produkte hinzufügen
- Zahlungen empfangen
- 1 Prices include 19% VAT (Germany)
- 2 Minimum term: 12 months, notice period: 30 days
You don't have time to create your own website? No problem - With our new website service we create your website for you. Including domain, e-mail addresses and update service. Everything from one source.
Creating a optometry website: The basics
The basis for any website to be created with the system is the variety of design templates. This gives you the first clue how you can create your website for optometry practice. The principle applies that a layout should be typical for the industry. A technical company is therefore recommended a rather sober design with not too many colours, whereas a toy dealer would be advised to choose the most colourful design possible.
A doctor will certainly focus on light colours with a high white content, but that is of course up to you and is also a matter of taste. You can transfer the elements for your website from the builder with the simple drag&drop principle. It is really child's play to move them on their sides. You can add the contents with a few clicks and then adapt them (such as the typeface) to your ideas. With many apps and widgets you can then add certain functions. In the case of an optometrist, this may include
- Your office hours,
- Your location with map and accessibility,
- A contact form,
- Answering frequently asked questions (FAQ) or
- The link to your social media presence
...and it's got to be you can add such channels completely without programming knowledge. With this design a lot of creativity is allowed, but the overview should never suffer. If there are any problems, you can contact the Fantastic Support of checkdomain at any time.
Find the right design for your idea
The perfect design for your website? we have it! Choose from high-quality, responsive design templates, customize the layout and quickly and easily design your professional website.
Website for an optometry practice created by individualists
If you want to program a little yourself or someone from your team expresses corresponding ambitions, you can also create your own elements with the modular system. This makes the website even more individual. Nevertheless, we would like to point out here that a modular system creates enough room for individuality even in its basic application and the risk that another optometrist builds up one of your very similar sides is very low. After all, it is enough to post pictures of your practice and your team and publish your own texts.
Also, practically no two users ever come up with the same layout idea. But still: Some webmasters want to get a little deeper into the structures of a website and thus create a little more. You can easily access the HTML or CSS structures of the website builder, regardless of whether you start completely with a "white paper" (the completely blank page) or perhaps use one of the existing design templates first. The modular system therefore offers maximum flexibility.

What else does checkdomain do for you?
In accordance with the name, the company specializes in domain checks, i.e. checking whether a URL is free at all (for example "") and how it should ideally be configured. You will receive advice on the "Speaking URL", which is found particularly well in the search engine. Do you run an ophthalmology practice in New York? Your domain could for example be "". This consultation is directly followed by online marketing services. If desired, you can book first-class search engine optimization, SEA and of course hosting with checkdomain. This means that you receive all services from a single source and can rely on a first-class ranking with Google & Co. Hosting includes services such as the administration of domains, databases and e-mails, for which an intuitive control panel is available. You can see all important functions at a glance and can also seek advice from the checkdomain professionals at any time.
Checkdomain's data centres are all located in Germany and are certified to DIN ISO/IEC 27001 with 100 % green electricity, so your data is secure and your website is checked for compliance with German and EU-wide online law. Get started now with your own website!
Photo-Author: annebaek /